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Khitomer Peace Award Winner

Recipient: Greenfelt (USS Black Hawk)
Award Earned: Outstanding Game Master
Link to Character Bio or Player's Site: Click Here
Award Date: March 15, 2024

Reason for the award

What can be said about the being known as Greenfelt and the ship known as the USS Black Hawk (Current version B) that hasn’t been said in vile curses in the back chats of Discord and IRC chat rooms? Greenfelt is a mastercraftsman of the written word. He wields it like a scalpel which he uses to cut his players mentally via missions created from the depths of his twisted frog mind. Yet, I wouldn’t play on any other sim if I were given a choice. The USS Black Hawk‘s missions are always full of intrigue, red herrings, and new twists. Each mission grows from the previous missions in ways the players would seldom think of. Great ideas turn into nightmares and leave you wanting more. Would I reccomend it to a friend? Yes, as long as they didn’t mind getting Stockholm Syndrome and staying eight years like I have. Come visit and stay. Forever.